Gravity by Tomas Januska

Photography student Tomas Januska captured the temporary state of weightlessness and the endless fun experienced while jumping up high – through his photo series “Gravity”.

For his levitation photo series, Tomas Januska asked his subjects, a group of people quite unfamiliar with dance, sports or whatsoever, to make between 150 to 600 jumps in front of his camera, leaving them to create their own poses – without the use of trampolines, he encouraged his subjects to these bountiful bursts of energy instead.

About Tomas Januska: Born in Kretinga, Lithuania, Tomas is studying photography in London UEL university. Living in London and working as a freelancer photographer in the UK.
He started his photography in 2009 when for the first time he got his first camera and was introduced into the photography world.



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